I was one of those people that had a very tough time quitting. I first started out with the patch but didn’t like having to stick that crap on my body every day. Then tried Chantix but like the side effects stated I started to have weird dreams plus I was never really into taking pharmaceutical medications. When I got into vaping, my first e-cig was on by big tobacco and it did little to kick my cravings so of course, I went back to smoking. My grandmother died of emphysema when I was in high school and I watched her take her last breath but even seeing that cigarettes were so hard to kick. I would always see those horrible commercials about smoking and would cringe every time hating myself. I have a daughter and another kid on the way and I kept thinking what a selfish person I am. I would never want my kids to go thru that with me. So being fed up I consulted VAPE PEN MARKET and finally got the proper vape device that allowed me to kick smoking. It hits hard and smoking cigarettes isn’t anything I crave anymore. Yes, it does take a while but I’m putting my own life in my hands. Struggling to breath is a scary thing and I finally don’t worry about that anymore. I highly recommend everyone to try the cartridges from VAPE PEN MARKET.

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