I smoked a pack a day for almost 10 years. I loved cigarettes. Loved them! Everyone around me was trying to quit smoking. At work and home. One day I tried a puff of my mother in laws vape pen she bought from VAPE PEN MARKET. That was it for me! I started cutting down on cigarettes and reaching for the vape more and more. I found a couple of good flavors that complimented my coffee (which I drink constantly). The next thing I knew, I didn’t even consider smoking a cigarette! It’s been 10 months since my last cigarette. Amazing! Now when I smell cigarettes, it’s nasty! I constantly apologize to my daughter for having smelled like butts all the time before. Consequently, my wife has quit smoking as well. Her story is similar to mine. We love vaping. Trying different juices, saving money, and feeling better. Not smelling like a smashed ***hole is a plus too. Vape on my people. I recommend VAPE PEN MARKET for anyone trying to quit smoking cigarettes.
I am not a smoker. The love of my life was. He smoked since he was of legal age until his 50’s. Since I have been with him, we have tried everything available to help him stop. Cold turkey, patches, gum, lozenges, hypnosis, ridiculously priced and horrible side effect prescription pills. You name it, we tried it for two decades. He even tried the cigar-like vapes in 2011. Nothing worked. He gave vaping a try again in 2017 with a closed pod system (like Juul) he got from VAPE PEN MARKET and moved to an open pod system. The open pod system worked as he was able to pick his own flavors and nicotine levels. The first week on the closed pod system had him down to half a pack after being a pack and sometimes two packs daily. He dual used for about three weeks, still having no more than 3 traditional cigarettes a day. Then he put up his smokes and went 100% vape. A short time later, he lowered his nicotine levels. It’s the sweet fruit flavor that has helped him get this far. Off cigarettes and lower nicotine levels. He can’t even smoke anymore as it is repulsive to him. Our goal is to have him nicotine free by the end of the year and hopefully vape free too. Thanks, VAPE PEN MARKET for saving the love of my life.
I smoked Marlboro Reds for 45 years. I was diagnosed with Leukemia at age 50 but continued smoking for another 12 years. No one could convince me to quit for my health, what the heck I already had cancer. My adult son asked me to at least try vaping and I agreed, so I bought some dank vape cartridges from VAPE PEN MARKET. The day I started I never touched another cigarette and it’s been 7 years. My plan was to start with the highest level of nicotine available and then moved down each time I replaced my “juice”. I ended up with 0 nicotine and quit completely after that. I’ve been vape free now for 7+ years. It works. I loved smoking, literally. I realized that the hardest part of smoking addiction was the hand-to-mouth habit. I hope this helps people to at least give it a try. I buy my vape cartridges from VAPE PEN MARKET whenever I feel like smoking.
I started smoking cigarettes when I was a teenager. I’m 32 now. I tried many different things to quit. I tried gum, mints, patches, medication, and nothing worked. I accepted that I would never be able to quit and I would die from smoking cigarettes. That was until I was introduced to vaping, I bought some vape cartridges form VAPE PEN MARKET and started out using a 12mg cotton candy flavored e juice. Along with many other Blueberry, cereal, fruits, and candies. The flavor alone was the key factor in helping me quit. It made it much more appealing to stick with it. I have been 100% cigarette free. I have also been able to lower my nicotine down to 3mg. Which I was unable To do with a cigarette. My health is better by 10 fold I breath better. I sleep better. I can taste my food. I don’t feel sick anymore. I’m able to hike, ride bikes play football baseball with my children. My chest doesn’t hurt when I wake up. If it wasn’t for vaping I would have died from smoking cigarettes. Vaping has given me the opportunity to live longer and enjoy my children. I recommend VAPE PEN MARKET to anyone trying to stop smoking. They’ve got the best vapes pens and cartridges.
I was one of those people that had a very tough time quitting. I first started out with the patch but didn’t like having to stick that crap on my body every day. Then tried Chantix but like the side effects stated I started to have weird dreams plus I was never really into taking pharmaceutical medications. When I got into vaping, my first e-cig was on by big tobacco and it did little to kick my cravings so of course, I went back to smoking. My grandmother died of emphysema when I was in high school and I watched her take her last breath but even seeing that cigarettes were so hard to kick. I would always see those horrible commercials about smoking and would cringe every time hating myself. I have a daughter and another kid on the way and I kept thinking what a selfish person I am. I would never want my kids to go thru that with me. So being fed up I consulted VAPE PEN MARKET and finally got the proper vape device that allowed me to kick smoking. It hits hard and smoking cigarettes isn’t anything I crave anymore. Yes, it does take a while but I’m putting my own life in my hands. Struggling to breath is a scary thing and I finally don’t worry about that anymore. I highly recommend everyone to try the cartridges from VAPE PEN MARKET.
I smoked roughly a pack a day for since I was 20, though I tried quitting many times, I always returned. After purchasing my first vaping device from VAPE PEN MARKET I have not even desired to go back. So happy am I to be rid of the stench and the lethargy I got from cigarettes. As far as my nicotine addiction, I only use 3mg/mL liquids and use about 5mL per day. The way I see it, some people prefer caffeine, others prefer nicotine. I think the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids’ while admirable and necessary, may have missed the mark on recent legislation regarding e-cigarettes.